Theo goes ‘Above and Beyond’

Theo Roberts, clearly enjoying himself!

Theo Roberts, clearly enjoying himself!

September’s been a manic month for Theo who graduated from Lincoln with a BA(Hons) Public Relations and Marketing and is currently on an internship with Above and Beyond  who are contracted by Google to do the marketing for Google+.

He has been working with the team to create The Hangout which is an online platform for music, sport and acting talents, comedians, designers etc. The talent ranges from up and coming to world known celebs.

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Graduate Panel and Networks

Monday 26th November saw a gathering of Lincoln Alumni from the Lincoln School of Journalism talking about life in the real world, post Lincoln Uni. For the first time they were joined by a Public Relations Alumni. Amy Hackett sat in the middle of an all male journalism panel, next to the evening’s compere Sam Pidoux – female but a journalist nonetheless!

Amy was able to shed light on life on the ‘dark side’ and gave a great insight into her work on PR formerly in the NHS and Local Government and now at Bishop Grosseteste University College her in Lincoln.

Afterwards we retreated to Nandos for some well earned sustenance and banter. During the evening an idea germinated for a networking group around communications in Lincoln – particularly for the growing number of alumni working locally and also to introduce other communications professional into the mix…watch this space!

The next panel will be in February and hopefully more of you will be there to hold the banner for PR!

Graduation, so different when it’s your own!

Dan Derricott graduated this year but as he tells us here, time spent watching other people graduate never fully prepares you!

I had spent months thinking about and planning my Graduation. I could do this with relative ease because I knew what to expect. I have been to probably close to 10 graduation ceremonies all in all before my own.

As a students’ union officer you get invited and it was always great to go and help celebrate (and the free food & wine made it even better). Sitting on the stage is fun too, though with the fear of a camera being pointed in your direction you have no choice but to be sat upright, smiling and clapping most enthusiastically even after 230th time.

From that side you also get chance to mill about in the VIP reception too which is particularly good when there’s a well-known person receiving an honorary doctorate that day and you get a few minutes to chat.

Dan and his Mum, shame we can’t see the new shoes!

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